9 Reasons Why You Should (Finally) Leave Home

Just a decade ago, kids used to be kicked out of the house in their teens and left to fend for themselves. Today, kids even stay with their parents past their twenties. Don't be one of those guys. Put yourself out there and get yourself a nice home. You'll be very glad you did.

1. Privacy

As an adult, you've probably got dozens of things you'd prefer to be kept private. Unfortunately, if you're still living with your parents, there's always a chance that they'll walk into your room and find something you'd rather they didn't. Isn't that weird?

2. Cleaning your undies

If your mom is still washing your underclothes, shame on you! You're an adult and you should, at least, be washing your own undies.

3. They don't want you to stay

Your parents also have lives and you staying with them means that they can't live the way that they want to. They still love you a lot; you just need to realize that they need their lives back. They also need their own privacy! They also need some peace and quiet! They also need their favorite couch back! Stop denying them these simple pleasures.

4. You can't bring anyone home

Your parents are dying to meet the girl or boy you've been talking about for the past few weeks. They'll show off all your embarrassing childhood photos. They're more than ready to narrate those embarrassing stories that you thought were behind you.

5. Eat what you want

You don't have to survive on what mom has cooked. Get a house and you'll be able to cook whenever you want and eat whatever you want. It's one of the greatest perks of having your own kitchen; you can eat at your own pleasure.

6. No rules

You can throw your clothes on the sofa in your own house. You can put your shoes in the kitchen. You could even store some shovels in your bathroom! Whether you do it or not is irrelevant what matters is that you have the choice.

7. Party!

A party at your parents' house? What if someone breaks a vase? What if someone dirties the floor? What if you had your own house? Then you wouldn't have to worry about what mom and dad would say about the beer stains on the sofa.

8. "What time will you be back?"

Aren't you cute? You're mommy's little baby and you'll remain that as long as you're living in your parents' home. Every time you go out, be prepared to tell them when you'll be back, where you're going, and what you're going to do. So forget any spontaneous plans; you've got to be home!

9. Independence

You don't have to buy a motorbike or climb mountain trails to be independent. Being independent means being able to function as a normal human being by yourself. It means feeding yourself, paying bills on time, cleaning clothes, and maybe being responsible for someone else. Independence is owning your own life. It's making your own choices and taking responsibility for those actions.

Hopefully, the reasons above will be enough to give you an epiphany and get you to move out of Mum and Dad's house.

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